Thursday, February 20, 2020

Commodity Chain Research Paper with Map of Chain

Commodity Chain with Map of Chain - Research Paper Example Some of the production factors considered when evaluating a business process entails the availability of raw materials and all the factors that surround the raw materials like the required transport charges and the nearness to the raw materials source. On the other hand, the consumption process has to be analyzed to evaluate the various factors that influence the market pattern of the products. This brings us to the juncture of studying the production commodity chain (Bair 46). Commodity Chain of China’s Honey This commodity chain is focusing on the production of Chinese honey, its export process and all the social, economical and the political aspect surrounding it (Gereffi 75). Chinese honey is produced in the central Guangzhou province. Guangzhou province is the second largest and most populated province in the People’s Republic of China. The leading economic activity in this region is crop production. Guangzhou province is also the leading producer of Chinese honey that is illegally transported to the US through India. The exact location of honey production in Guangzhou province is the Xue Xing County. The residents in this region have been practicing honey production as their major cultural activity (Gereffi 88). Bee keeping in this region is facilitated by the environmental conditions, which include availability of water from the great Xue Xing River. Since honey production evolved into a lucrative business in China, many venture capitalists have invested in mass production honey exercises. Honey production proved to respond to the economic needs of the local population. Mass production of honey in this region has maintained the cultural practices of the local community (Stringer and Heron 241). The province is also known to attract political attention in the country because of the population and the economic strength attributed to honey exports. The local workers benefits from the wages they collect and most of them are known to be practici ng small scale bee farming and selling the honey to large companies for processing. Therefore, honey production is a social as well as an economic activity in this Xue Xing County (Hu-DeHart 76). Honey production is encouraged by the local authorities because of the economic viability of the honey industry. Mass honey production is carried out by large established local companies in Xue Xing County. The largest producer of honey is the Xue Xing Honey Company. Honey production and harvesting is carried out by local casual workers employed who are the local residents. Upon maturity, honey is harvested and taken to the company’s processing facilities near the harvesting sites where they are processed and packed in large quantities. After packing and branding, the honey is loaded into train containers and transported to New Delhi, India. India allows the importation of Chinese honey into their country. The honey imported to India is meant for local human consumption and other ind ustrial uses of honey. However, the price of honey in India is not high compared to the market in Australia and America. Therefore, the honey barons from China would want to secure another lucrative market in the international platform. The labeling process is suspected to be carried out in Xue Xing subordinate company in India’s New Delhi (Hu-DeHart 34). The honey is removed from the containers and repacked into small quantity cans meant for export product. This process of labeling is not authentic and is normally carried out

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thinking How to Quit Smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thinking How to Quit Smoking - Essay Example Experts consider smoking as an expression of escapist tendencies, whereby, people result in the use of cigarettes, which induce a sense of wellness despite the lack of wellness. This makes it extremely difficult to stop; therefore, addicts need to prepare themselves both physically and psychologically for the impending challenges (Robinson). Experts qualified in dealing with rehabilitation of addicts from addictive behaviors recommend addicts to outline a list of reasons why they intend to eliminate an addictive habit. They posit that this facilitates the acknowledgement of an existence of a problem. In the case, of someone struggling with an addiction to smoking, the list helps to pinpoint the reasons leading to smoking as an addiction. This plays a crucial role in addressing the psychological implications associated with smoking. The list also serves as a reality check, whereby, an individual discovers the issues which require immediate attention. Eliminating issues responsible for inducing cigarette cravings allows one to be psychologically ready to kick the unhealthy habit to the curb. This also generates the willpower to confront future issues, which might be detrimental to the progress of staying nicotine free. Counselors also encourage individuals to find alternate, constructive ways to deal with these feelings and situations. Experts recommend the designing of a personal help plan, which ought to be unique or specific to an individual’s needs. This customized plan ought to address the intended reasons for quitting smoking. These experts further recommend that copies of the personal help plan ought to be placed in areas which used to be storage places for cigarettes (Robinson). Dealing with the physical addiction also presents an enormous challenge to individuals struggling with the addiction of smoking. During the initial days of quitting, withdrawal symptoms occur frequently. They include; nausea, dizziness, restlessness and headaches among othe rs. Withdrawal symptoms represent the body’s way of indicating deprivation of a certain substance; in this case nicotine. Individuals attempting to quit smoking ought to have prepared well in advance for the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms. Establishing a strong willpower to brave through the withdrawal symptoms marks the first step of preparation. Experts recommend other ways to deal with the withdrawal symptoms resulting from nicotine deprivation. Firstly, they recommend frequent deep inhalation. This allows an individual to remain relaxed despite the discomfort brought about by withdrawal symptoms, which might cause a panic attack. Secondly, they recommend the intake of water in large quantities. Water assists in the flushing of toxins out of the body. In addition, they recommend that individuals in withdrawal ought to keep their sugar levels slightly higher during the initial withdrawal phase. This helps to cater for the sugar-related cravings brought about by the absen ce of nicotine in the body (Health). Experts also recommend that individuals to prepare for the onset of a few extra pounds. They cite exercise and a proper, well-balanced nutrition as one of the ways to shed off the extra pounds or maintain an individual’s desired weight. It is crucial for a person to consult with their physician before embarking on the quitting process especially if they suffer from other